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PCT 2018: Day 2

    27 July 2018

    I wake up at 8 o’clock, nothing touched my food. I used the odor proof bags, at this early stage of my hike they are still in good shape.

    I just had them on the ground some feet away from my Enlightened Equipment summer bivi. It was cold. The temperatures never went down to under 30, that would be the temperature rating for my Enlightened Equipment quilt. I doubt that they went under 65 F. I blame my poor eating practice yesterday for feeling cold during the night.

    I tried to coldsoak some mac & cheese. Of course, in a Talenti jar. Such jars you will never find in Europe, as they are massive and their days may be counted, now as even plastic straws are in the process of being replaced. Talenti icecream is available in every supermarket in the US and the company belongs to Unilever since 2014, the same conglomerate that owns Ben & Jerrys.

    I put the mac and cheese into this jar yesterday, by now it is just a liquid with the taste of cheese. It is not even bad in this stage. Because of the heat I have problems eating enough and I am more than happy when I am back at Harts pass.

    This time Forest Service ladies are there and rangers. The ranger is an older lady too. They talk about rain and I inform the older ranger, that they can remove the book from the registry box as Grizel is long gone.

    I don’t want to pay for my campsite, so I go back one mile in direction of the border. I wear my rain gear now as bug protection. And I manage to shred my Inov-8 rain trousers while searching a bathroom in the forest. The material of this trousers is extremely lightweight, making them nearly one-time-use gear.

    I set up my tarp (a Lightwave Starlight 2), it is a time consuming process, something I do really hate. I found this tarp stupid after all. It is supposed to be lightweight (130 g), something I like, but to pitch it properly, you need an hour because you will need to adjust the lines all the time. With an hour of time I can pitch ten Big Agnes tents in comfort.

    The water source is near by, I get a lot of water, also to wash my feet.